Sunday, August 3, 2008

I am so confused.

We found out last night that we did not get the church in CA and we found out also this week we did not get the chuch here. That one I had a really hard time with. I was told he had the job by one of the elders wives then bammmy nothing. I don't understand why the Lord would bring 3 churches in view for us than close all 3 doors knowing that Mike needs employment. I'm still really struggling this whole thing. I don't get any of it. I am really really mad too at the whole situation. It is hard to try and hide that fact from the kids. I don't want them to doubt God but what do I say to their questions when I am doubting Him. I know this is really a downer post but this is where I am at right now. I promise next one will be better.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

ALRIGHT - so it's been a while.

Ok I know it's been just way too long BUT I have really good excuses! Are you ready for them? TOO bad your getting them anyway!!

1. For 2 weeks I was in Mexico with my 4 kids visiting my parents. Mike had to stay at home and look for a job. At this time the church STILL had not said anything to him - so we were getting a little worried. (more on that story during the post.) For the first week it was just me and the kids and my parents, my adoptive sister who is the same age as my youngest. My brother Spencer lives there with his wife and 3 kids so we were also visiting them. The second week Ray and his wife came down and so did Bill and his 4 girls. It was a croweded house. We all had a good time - got on each others nerves a little bit too. Bill bought my son Austin a computer game that looked oh so cool and he could not wait to get it on the computer. That takes me to excuse #2.

2. We downloaded the 3 cd's to the computer and he went to log in and it said that we neeed a patch for this to work. It gave us a website to go to and download the patch. It took 9 hours! Just a little FYI - if anything takes 9 hours to download - don't do it. It killed my computer! So a friend of mine said he would fix it after it sat for about 2 weeks. Since he was doing it after work it took him about a week to fix it. When I finally got it back - the keyboard would not work, I tried the other 2 keyboards that were lying around the house and nothing. So for the first week I had to use the on-screen keyboard - do you know how irritating it is to try and type with that thing? It's horrible!!

3. While me and the kids were gone a church out in California, e-mailed Mike and told him that he was in the final 3 of canidates for a position at there church. Also, that week a church in Arkansas e-mailed him for a position they had. So after I got back there were a lot of e-mails and some calls and we were asked to come out to CA for an interview. We told the church in Arkansas that we were going and they scheduled us to come there also the same week. So we rented a mini van - loaded the kids and headed off on a Saturday morning. We drove all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday and went to Bill's house. We dropped the kids off and went to the church for a missions celelbration they were having and then we met with the Pastor and his wife for dinner afterwards. This lasted until 10:00 pm. Then we went back and crashed. The next morning we met with the Pastor and wife again and talked about the church and our families and just got to know them. We then had to go get finger printed and when that was done we had about 2 hours to kill before the interview. The interview lasted from 6:30-10:00. On Tuesday Morning we loaded up the van and drove back home for 2 days. We had to get the van back and we had to leave on Friday to go up to Arkansas. We were asking the Lord to show us which way we needed to go. We asked for a BIG sign to show us. When we got home from CA we had a message to call the church in Arkansa and they wanted to know where we stood on eternal security. Of course we believe in it - they don't. Mike told them that this is not something that he would bend on so he took his name out of the mix there.

4. It looks pretty good that we will be moving to CA - unless we really blew the interview and are just too stupid to realize it. So now we are in the process of fixing up our house to sell. So since we have been back (3 days) we have painted the kids bedrooms, tiled a bathroom floor, put new countertops in the kitchen, took all the kitchen cabintes off for me to clean, prime and paint tomorrow - I'm so tired!

So if you guys (ya'll) will be praying tomorrow night I would appreciate it. The search committee is meeting then to decide our fate. So we should know something either tomorrow night or tuesday. And yes, I'll update the blog then.

Was this long enough for you? do you want any more info? can you cut me a break? my life has been a little hectic lately! I just don't have time to sit around like a queen eating bon bons and blogging all day - unlike some of you guys.......... :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Kenny Chesney Poest and Pirates Tour 2008

For my b-day, mother's day and our 17th Anniversary - Mike and I went up to Phoenix, AZ to see the Kenny Chesney concert. All I can say was IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Before most of the acts a big screen was there to tell you who was coming up. The first was Gary Allen. I knew who he was and all of his song - don't have a cd of his though. He was good in person.

We paid $100/ticket and we were still pretty far away. Thank heavens for the big screens. Gary Allen was during the day so his picture came out pretty good. The others as it started getting darker outside and the lights on the screen got brighter the pictures did not turn out so well. Bummer!

Between eat set there was about a 20-30 minute break for take down and set up. Then this next screen came up and the crowd went wild!

Sammy Haggar! He was so awesome! he did about 1/2 and 1/2 his solo stuff and old van halen music. He was so loud! You know the old saying "if it's too loud you are too old." Well I was almost there. Not quite but almost!

Next up was Keith Urban. He did not have a screen. Again, I thought he was ok but not anywhere close to being one of my favorites. Until now. Dang he is so talented. He played lead guitar for just about all his music. He was so good!! OK he has got a great smile too! Whew!


He does a great live concert! I cannot say enough about it. Just incredible! He just about sold out the University of Phoenix stadium. That is where the Cardinals football team plays - there were sooooo many people. Mike and I are both people watchers so we had plenty of entertainment in between concercts.

Ok now, going back to the part of being old. We got to the stadium at 3:00 in the afternoon. At about 10:30 I screamed at Mike because it was so loud he could not hear me - let's leave now so we can avoid the rush out. - It was a great plan because the place was packed BUT there would have been no way if I was younger that I would have reccomended that. Too bad we have to get old. :)

All in all we had a great weekend! I am such a happy woman!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


OK how do I add blogging buddies links to the front page like you guys have it? Also, how do I see who has been here? Help me ladies please!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Living in New Mexico has started our family in camping. The boys have gone a few times and spent the night and usually if the girls go it is just a day trip. So we have been planning for weeks now - that as soon as school was over we'd take a family overnight camping trip. So we wake up early in the morning, load the family truckster (my suburban) and head to the mountains. There is a camping site that we usually go to for the day and it has a fire pit and bathrooms and usually a creek. This time the creek was dired up. We get to the camp site and set up. As soon as we get their a girl from the campsite one over from us comes over. Now, seeing as how I work with children, I'm usually pretty patient and kind, BUT this girl would not leave! All day, she was over with us. For the most part it was ok since the kids and her were playing games and stuff but wow child give me a break! I was more irritaed with her parents. I would have told my kids to stay with us for a while and give the other people a break - but they did not even seem to notice her not being with them. More about her later.

Right across from us was a couple with 2 small kids; 1 was maybe 3 and the other a baby. I thought how nice. Until later..............................

So here are some pictures of our day then I'll go on with the story.

This is a picture of the kids helping set up camp - alright Mike and I did most of it they just wanted to make a fire. It was chilly up in them mountains!

This is the fire I got going - impressive - huh! OK really I bought a fire log at walmart and lit that and put fire wood on top of it - I cheated!

Kelly and Anna playing in what used to be the creek. They are just so cute!

Austin and Josh in the same creek. - They are just goofy!

This was at the campsite. Can you see how tall the trees are? It was just incredible!! we were at about 7900 ft. Just truly amazing!

We were having such a great day! UNTIL..... night came. It was so quite and peaceful then I start hearing some awful mexican jungle junk. It kept getting closer. I saw 5 cars coming towards the campground and Mike said to me - "don't worry there are no more camp sites open and then they'll leave." Guess what - he was wrong. Remember the sweet little family I told you about eariler well they were with them. They get out of their cars - kids in tow with beers in both hands, everyone smoking and a pregnant lady with a beer and a cigerrette. Dang I was mad! So while I was seething mad from that worring about who is going to take care of those kids when all the adults are plastered (which most of them were already) our pesky little neighbor girl came back. The boys locked themselves in the car so they would not have to deal with her - but was that good enough? NO! she started banging on the windows of the car. I politely asked her to stop. She kept going. Then she jumped up and grabbed the luggage rack on top of the car and was haning on it. I again asked her to stop. To no avail. She kept running around the car skreeching at the top of her voice for the boys to come out. By then, I'm very annoyed with her; with her parents not making her stop, with the stupid party going on next door with that crappy music and the louder the music got the louder the people got. To top it off it was getting colder outside. So Mike looked at me and asked - ready to go home yet. Man I think that was the quickest time to take down a camp in history.

Friday, May 16, 2008

OK are you happy now?

I know I have been quite lazy with the whole blogging thing. I have been extremely busy. Today was my last day teaching!!! Yeah! I have 3 weeks solid with cakes to do and deliver! Praise the Lord! Kids only have one more week of school - oh my! Mike has only one more month of employment - YIKES!

That is where my mind has been lately. We are just praying for the Lord to lead us. We were told that he would know about the Youth Pastor' job by the end of the month - that a few more applicants applied. So we are waiting on the Lord - trying to be patient (not easy for me) and praying a lot. It has been great to see how the kids are praying for this. I want it so bad because it would be such a wonderful thing for our family and I know we would be able to be a positive influence on the Youth in the church but I really want it for the kids to see how the Lord answers prayer - their prayers - not just mom and dad's.

We are also trying to prepare ourselves if the answer is a no. Mike has started sending out his resumes to different churches. We got a response from a church in Arkansas- where I would be thrilled if Mike has a job - I'm not really sure if I want to move again. BUT I have said that I'll go where ever the Lord sends us. Now, lets just say if there was a particular church in lets say Rockwall TX that needs someone - I'm sure my are could be twisted to move again.......

So needless to say other than being busy I have a lot on my mind and I promise I'll get better at blogging more regularly.

Sorry no pictures with this one.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My 39th birthday

Today is my 39th birthday. I have one more year until I'm officially old. My wonderful husband got me some great concert tickets - which includes an overnight trip for the two of us - YIPPEEE!!!! So I thought I'd share with you what my kids did for me. See if you can tell who has his mother's sense of humor........

This is Anna with the card she made for me. The card says that she "rilly" loves me. She also bought me a pack of ear rings.

Austin bought me the necklace I am wearing with some matching ear rings.- are you seeing a trend here?

See the nice pink package. My son Josh, bought me - guess what? You guessed it - some ear rings. But also in the pretty pink bag was a can of Dt. Coke ( my drug of choice). But of course he did not buy this for me - he just swiped it out of the 12 pack sitting in the fridge. Look closely at the wrapping paper. No he did not use tissue paper to wrap the gifts - he thought it would be funny to wrap my present in socks and underwear. - thanks Josh.

Now, my sweet Kelly, went against the trend of ear rings and bought me a 2 disk set of Tim McGraw's favorite hits. - Totally awesome!

So now, I'm another year older and so much more the wiser. Are you buying the wiser part? I thought I could pull that off.