Monday, June 2, 2008

Kenny Chesney Poest and Pirates Tour 2008

For my b-day, mother's day and our 17th Anniversary - Mike and I went up to Phoenix, AZ to see the Kenny Chesney concert. All I can say was IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Before most of the acts a big screen was there to tell you who was coming up. The first was Gary Allen. I knew who he was and all of his song - don't have a cd of his though. He was good in person.

We paid $100/ticket and we were still pretty far away. Thank heavens for the big screens. Gary Allen was during the day so his picture came out pretty good. The others as it started getting darker outside and the lights on the screen got brighter the pictures did not turn out so well. Bummer!

Between eat set there was about a 20-30 minute break for take down and set up. Then this next screen came up and the crowd went wild!

Sammy Haggar! He was so awesome! he did about 1/2 and 1/2 his solo stuff and old van halen music. He was so loud! You know the old saying "if it's too loud you are too old." Well I was almost there. Not quite but almost!

Next up was Keith Urban. He did not have a screen. Again, I thought he was ok but not anywhere close to being one of my favorites. Until now. Dang he is so talented. He played lead guitar for just about all his music. He was so good!! OK he has got a great smile too! Whew!


He does a great live concert! I cannot say enough about it. Just incredible! He just about sold out the University of Phoenix stadium. That is where the Cardinals football team plays - there were sooooo many people. Mike and I are both people watchers so we had plenty of entertainment in between concercts.

Ok now, going back to the part of being old. We got to the stadium at 3:00 in the afternoon. At about 10:30 I screamed at Mike because it was so loud he could not hear me - let's leave now so we can avoid the rush out. - It was a great plan because the place was packed BUT there would have been no way if I was younger that I would have reccomended that. Too bad we have to get old. :)

All in all we had a great weekend! I am such a happy woman!


Kristi Smalley said...

You little boot-scootin' lady you. I just hope you listened to the music and didn't bring your cooler full of some brewskis and go to town. I bet you were in heaven. My sister, Becky, went to the same concert here in Dallas and LOVED IT! I'm glad you weren't closer to the front or you might have been tempted to throw your bra on stage or something to that affect. Good post! Good post!

Kristi Smalley said...

OK, upon closer inspection, I noticed that the side screen next to the K. Chesney screen had an inappropriately dressed lady. I wanted to point that out to you in case you wanted to do something about it. After all, you are an independent Baptist. Ha!

Molly said...

FYI - I'm a Southern Baptist now. :)

I know I saw her - If I knew how to put clothes on her I would have so I wouldn't have offended anyone. Sorry.

By the way did she get that outfit from you? Oh no, probably Wendy.

Fitafter4 said...

Molly --
Guess who?!?!?!? another old "garland girl"....Tona.
I was talking to Kristi yesterday and she told me you guys had reconnected. I was soooo jealous that I couldn't let Kris beat me. so I'm going to try to post more comments than her AND wendy.....haha
my blog is
hope to hear from you soon!

Molly said...

Tona, so good to hear from you! I'm so glad you are here - Just to let you know I'm a horrible blogger! I'm not very dedicated. I'll go check out yours now.

Kristi Smalley said...

Molly, if I have to look at this post about Kenny Chesney one more day.....well.....I might just have to do something drastic. That's all I'm saying.

Wen Wen said...

Mol-------I am with Kris!!! I am about sick of Kenny boy!!! Give us something else sister!!!