Sunday, July 27, 2008

ALRIGHT - so it's been a while.

Ok I know it's been just way too long BUT I have really good excuses! Are you ready for them? TOO bad your getting them anyway!!

1. For 2 weeks I was in Mexico with my 4 kids visiting my parents. Mike had to stay at home and look for a job. At this time the church STILL had not said anything to him - so we were getting a little worried. (more on that story during the post.) For the first week it was just me and the kids and my parents, my adoptive sister who is the same age as my youngest. My brother Spencer lives there with his wife and 3 kids so we were also visiting them. The second week Ray and his wife came down and so did Bill and his 4 girls. It was a croweded house. We all had a good time - got on each others nerves a little bit too. Bill bought my son Austin a computer game that looked oh so cool and he could not wait to get it on the computer. That takes me to excuse #2.

2. We downloaded the 3 cd's to the computer and he went to log in and it said that we neeed a patch for this to work. It gave us a website to go to and download the patch. It took 9 hours! Just a little FYI - if anything takes 9 hours to download - don't do it. It killed my computer! So a friend of mine said he would fix it after it sat for about 2 weeks. Since he was doing it after work it took him about a week to fix it. When I finally got it back - the keyboard would not work, I tried the other 2 keyboards that were lying around the house and nothing. So for the first week I had to use the on-screen keyboard - do you know how irritating it is to try and type with that thing? It's horrible!!

3. While me and the kids were gone a church out in California, e-mailed Mike and told him that he was in the final 3 of canidates for a position at there church. Also, that week a church in Arkansas e-mailed him for a position they had. So after I got back there were a lot of e-mails and some calls and we were asked to come out to CA for an interview. We told the church in Arkansas that we were going and they scheduled us to come there also the same week. So we rented a mini van - loaded the kids and headed off on a Saturday morning. We drove all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday and went to Bill's house. We dropped the kids off and went to the church for a missions celelbration they were having and then we met with the Pastor and his wife for dinner afterwards. This lasted until 10:00 pm. Then we went back and crashed. The next morning we met with the Pastor and wife again and talked about the church and our families and just got to know them. We then had to go get finger printed and when that was done we had about 2 hours to kill before the interview. The interview lasted from 6:30-10:00. On Tuesday Morning we loaded up the van and drove back home for 2 days. We had to get the van back and we had to leave on Friday to go up to Arkansas. We were asking the Lord to show us which way we needed to go. We asked for a BIG sign to show us. When we got home from CA we had a message to call the church in Arkansa and they wanted to know where we stood on eternal security. Of course we believe in it - they don't. Mike told them that this is not something that he would bend on so he took his name out of the mix there.

4. It looks pretty good that we will be moving to CA - unless we really blew the interview and are just too stupid to realize it. So now we are in the process of fixing up our house to sell. So since we have been back (3 days) we have painted the kids bedrooms, tiled a bathroom floor, put new countertops in the kitchen, took all the kitchen cabintes off for me to clean, prime and paint tomorrow - I'm so tired!

So if you guys (ya'll) will be praying tomorrow night I would appreciate it. The search committee is meeting then to decide our fate. So we should know something either tomorrow night or tuesday. And yes, I'll update the blog then.

Was this long enough for you? do you want any more info? can you cut me a break? my life has been a little hectic lately! I just don't have time to sit around like a queen eating bon bons and blogging all day - unlike some of you guys.......... :)


Kristi Smalley said...

WOW!!!!! Molly is back with a bang!!!! Good job with the post! Now, I do accept your excuses because they were really good ones and I will let you off the hook, THIS TIME! Don't ever leave us hanging like that again. Life came to a SCREECHING halt, I couldn't eat (ok, maybe that is a lie), I couldn't sleep.....HORRIBLE, Absolutely horrible. I just kept picturing your little redheaded body, decomposing in an unmarked grave somewhere.

Seriously, let us know what is going on with your job and I will definitely keep praying. I hate that you might have to move again. What kind of church was that one that didn't believe in e. security? Just curious.

Molly said...

Thanks for being concerned. I really appreciate it. Well, we got a phone call today and the church in CA did not like/agree with one of Mike's answeres so they called and wanted him to I guess "re-think" his stance. It was on tithing. Mike belives and so do I that in the NT it is very clear that we are not just to give 10% but as according to how the Lord has blessed. The church wanted the 10% answer so I'm not sure where that is going to leave us. The church here is meeting tonight about Mike being the interm youth pastor - so who knows. - Well, I guess God knows but He is not letting us know right now. I would have been really cool with moving but I really love it here so maybe we will get to stay. Just keep praying.

The church that does not believe in was a Baptist church - but they were part of the General Baptist convention - usually, I thought, that they did believe in it - but apparnetly this church does not. Stinks for them - I'd hate to have to go throught life worrying about that.

It sounds like you have had a busy summer as well - I'm still wanting that orange chair. :)

Fitafter4 said...

So glad to see you're!
I will pray that the Lord will lead you wherever HE wants. I know how difficult that is....I've been in a "holding pattern" for well over four years now!
I've got to run --- I'll check back in with ya tomorrow.

Kristi Smalley said...

So does the church want you to stop at 10%? You would think they would love a pastor who preached the 10% plus some. That is what our pastor preaches. That we are to give tithes AND offerings. He says we haven't given an offering until we have given the tenth. The tenth is just returning to God what already belongs to Him. An offering is on top of that.

Fitafter4 said...

Personally, I like the "stop at 10%"....LOL just kidding!
I agree, Kris/Mol--the 10% is not a quota, it's simply "not robbing God".

Let us know how everything works out! I'll be praying......

Kristi Smalley said...

Molly, I'm sorry about the CA thing. I know how you had your heart set on stalking celebrities. Maybe it will still work out.