Sunday, August 3, 2008

I am so confused.

We found out last night that we did not get the church in CA and we found out also this week we did not get the chuch here. That one I had a really hard time with. I was told he had the job by one of the elders wives then bammmy nothing. I don't understand why the Lord would bring 3 churches in view for us than close all 3 doors knowing that Mike needs employment. I'm still really struggling this whole thing. I don't get any of it. I am really really mad too at the whole situation. It is hard to try and hide that fact from the kids. I don't want them to doubt God but what do I say to their questions when I am doubting Him. I know this is really a downer post but this is where I am at right now. I promise next one will be better.


Kristi Smalley said...

Molly, I am SOOOO SORRY about this church situation. I have thought of you so many times and wondered about the decision. I know you must be FREAKING OUT!!! I would be but you know that God knows exactly where you are at and He is going to open another door. We will pray for direction and provision and that it will come QUICKLY!!!

Molly said...

Quickly - is the key word right now. Mike has put in about 4 or 5 resumes to New Mexico State University for different positions they have available. Hopefully, one of these will pan out SOON!

Kristi Smalley said...

We need to start a Molly Hanson Kremnitzer "I Really Need to Eat" Fund. What do ya think?

Molly said...

I agree with you. Any and all donations please!

Wen Wen said...

Mol--- hey I talked to Kris today and she said your hubby found a job!! Good for you!! It might not be exactly what you want right now but at least you can eat again!! love ya

Kristi Smalley said...

ARE YOU STILL CONFUSED????? I have been concerned because you have been confused for such a long time. Maybe you should talk to someone.

Kristi Smalley said...

You just need to say it Molly, "I, Molly Hanson Kremnitzer, have totally abandoned my blog buddies". Just get it all out on the table.