Sunday, May 25, 2008


Living in New Mexico has started our family in camping. The boys have gone a few times and spent the night and usually if the girls go it is just a day trip. So we have been planning for weeks now - that as soon as school was over we'd take a family overnight camping trip. So we wake up early in the morning, load the family truckster (my suburban) and head to the mountains. There is a camping site that we usually go to for the day and it has a fire pit and bathrooms and usually a creek. This time the creek was dired up. We get to the camp site and set up. As soon as we get their a girl from the campsite one over from us comes over. Now, seeing as how I work with children, I'm usually pretty patient and kind, BUT this girl would not leave! All day, she was over with us. For the most part it was ok since the kids and her were playing games and stuff but wow child give me a break! I was more irritaed with her parents. I would have told my kids to stay with us for a while and give the other people a break - but they did not even seem to notice her not being with them. More about her later.

Right across from us was a couple with 2 small kids; 1 was maybe 3 and the other a baby. I thought how nice. Until later..............................

So here are some pictures of our day then I'll go on with the story.

This is a picture of the kids helping set up camp - alright Mike and I did most of it they just wanted to make a fire. It was chilly up in them mountains!

This is the fire I got going - impressive - huh! OK really I bought a fire log at walmart and lit that and put fire wood on top of it - I cheated!

Kelly and Anna playing in what used to be the creek. They are just so cute!

Austin and Josh in the same creek. - They are just goofy!

This was at the campsite. Can you see how tall the trees are? It was just incredible!! we were at about 7900 ft. Just truly amazing!

We were having such a great day! UNTIL..... night came. It was so quite and peaceful then I start hearing some awful mexican jungle junk. It kept getting closer. I saw 5 cars coming towards the campground and Mike said to me - "don't worry there are no more camp sites open and then they'll leave." Guess what - he was wrong. Remember the sweet little family I told you about eariler well they were with them. They get out of their cars - kids in tow with beers in both hands, everyone smoking and a pregnant lady with a beer and a cigerrette. Dang I was mad! So while I was seething mad from that worring about who is going to take care of those kids when all the adults are plastered (which most of them were already) our pesky little neighbor girl came back. The boys locked themselves in the car so they would not have to deal with her - but was that good enough? NO! she started banging on the windows of the car. I politely asked her to stop. She kept going. Then she jumped up and grabbed the luggage rack on top of the car and was haning on it. I again asked her to stop. To no avail. She kept running around the car skreeching at the top of her voice for the boys to come out. By then, I'm very annoyed with her; with her parents not making her stop, with the stupid party going on next door with that crappy music and the louder the music got the louder the people got. To top it off it was getting colder outside. So Mike looked at me and asked - ready to go home yet. Man I think that was the quickest time to take down a camp in history.


Kristi Smalley said...

I am rolling laughing at this story....especially your description of that pesty girl. Hilarious! I can just see you sitting there trying to be all Christlike amid all this chaos. I can't believe your peaceful camping trip turned out like that. I am so sorry. See, you need to see the glass as half gave you a really good story to blog about. Thanks for the good laugh before I go to bed.

Molly said...

I'm so glad I was able to make you laugh. I was thinking all day how great my blog was going to be about the great family time, blah blah blah... BUT NOOOOOO I still got a great blog out of it - butnot what I wanted. There is always next time.

Wen Wen said...

Okay I am rolling too. You know deep down inside you were just mad because the white trash family didn't ask you and Mike to come party with them!! That would just be my luck too. so ya'll ended up just going back home and not spending the night????

Wen Wen said...

Okay I can just see you too walking over with Bible in hand and asking them if you could talk with them for a few moments. That reminds me of the time me and Kris went soul winning. We knocked on this door and someone asked who is it and Krister, okay are you ready, Krister says "Kristi" like they have a clue who Kristi is knocking on their door!! We still laugh about that. But hey we were out doing the work of the Lord when we could have been doing other "things" that teens do.