Thursday, May 1, 2008

My 39th birthday

Today is my 39th birthday. I have one more year until I'm officially old. My wonderful husband got me some great concert tickets - which includes an overnight trip for the two of us - YIPPEEE!!!! So I thought I'd share with you what my kids did for me. See if you can tell who has his mother's sense of humor........

This is Anna with the card she made for me. The card says that she "rilly" loves me. She also bought me a pack of ear rings.

Austin bought me the necklace I am wearing with some matching ear rings.- are you seeing a trend here?

See the nice pink package. My son Josh, bought me - guess what? You guessed it - some ear rings. But also in the pretty pink bag was a can of Dt. Coke ( my drug of choice). But of course he did not buy this for me - he just swiped it out of the 12 pack sitting in the fridge. Look closely at the wrapping paper. No he did not use tissue paper to wrap the gifts - he thought it would be funny to wrap my present in socks and underwear. - thanks Josh.

Now, my sweet Kelly, went against the trend of ear rings and bought me a 2 disk set of Tim McGraw's favorite hits. - Totally awesome!

So now, I'm another year older and so much more the wiser. Are you buying the wiser part? I thought I could pull that off.


Kristi Smalley said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Mine is in a few weeks. I forgot we both were May babies. What sweet kids you have to try to make your birthday special. I also loved seeing pics of you. You look mah-ve-lous!!!

What concert are you going to? Don't even tell me that you are going to a secular concert, you HEATHEN!!!! What would Bro. Gary say???? J/K

I do hope you have a special day. You are a natural at this blogging thing. So witty!

Molly said...

Thanks - If I remember right yours is May 18th. - right? I have a hard enough time remembering all my own kidsb-day but I can remember yours - go figure.

We are going to a concert you would HATE. A Kenny Chesney concert. LeAnn Rhimes, Gary Allen and Keith Urban will be there with him. I can't wait!!! Bro. Gary might not approve - sorry.

Believe it or not I love this blogging thang!

Kristi Smalley said...

OK, how in the world did you remember that mine is May 18th? You are amazing!!! I don't even remember sometimes that mine is May 18th.

My sister, Becky, went to the concert last night in Dallas that you are going to. I told her not to embarrass the family and throw her bra on the stage!

Isn't that funny, I was raised on country music and live in the south. You were raised up north and who loves the country????? I like country music if it is pop-sounding like Breathe by Faith Hill or songs with that kind of sound. I can't do the twangy, steel-guitar, boot-scootin' kind of country. Molly, you redneck you, LOL!

Molly said...

Did Becky love the concert? I can't wait to go. See I was raised on hymns and hymns only. The Cathederals were too worldly. But in secret growing up I was a die hard rocker. Did not get get into country until college in Florida and that was the only station I could get on the radio. And ever since I'v been hooked.

I have no idea how I remembered your b=day. it's just one of those things. I can remember the oddest thing from years back but I can't remember to pay a bill on time or what I did yesterday. I think it's called short term memory loss. :0

Molly said...

oh yeah Kris when I go to the concert I will throw my bra on stage but I'll put yours and Wendy name and phone number in each cup.

Wen Wen said...

okay I have been out of the loop. Daddy came in town last week and then Roy's brother and friend Opie came in over the weekend. Anyway, I used to absolute love country. Roy and I would always go to the little country places to go dancing when we were first married. Then I changed to the 80's and the classic rock and that is where I have stayed. 38 special and Rick Springfield are coming in a couple of weeks and I would die to go!! I have lived such a sheltered life and have never been to a concert. You can put Kris' number on your bra and put my number on the string of your thong with a black sharpie!!!

Wen Wen said...

Oh and by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Your kids are the sweetest!! Don't you just love it!!

Molly said...

OK Wen - I'll try to do that for you - but getting my thong off during the concert is going to be a little tricky - but you know me - I'll try anyway.

I love 80's and classical rock also- I'd love to go see one of thier concerts too.

Did you have a great time with all your company?

Kristi Smalley said...

OK, am I the only one with tickets to the Cathedral Quartet reunion concert???? You HEATHENS!!!! See, if you had gone to Liberty, you wouldn't be so worldly. (Do the Cathedrals even exist anymore?)

Molly, I have always heard that redheads are...well, how can I say this......a little "RISQUE". What is the real reason you left Maranatha?

Kristi Smalley said...

Wendy, don't you think Molly hasn't changed one bit??? You look the exact same, Molly. Take that as a complement, you young whipper-snapper you.

My look has changed quite a bit over the years. I have taken on a more womanly appearance and have oftentimes been mistaken for Cindy Crawford or Carmen Electra. (You better hold your tongue Wendy)

OK, you mentioned something somewhere about college in Florida. Did you leave Maranatha and go to Pensecola?

Wen Wen said...

Yes I had a good time with all my company. I love having company!! The girls were so excited to see daddy. I put a new post up today so check it out----

Kristi Smalley said...

Well, Molly....what did your husband do for you for your birthday...or is that too personal a question to ask? (Refer to above comment about redheads)

Molly said...

Kris well you can just use your imagination if you want to about what my hubby did for me. :)

He bought me my concert tickets!!!

I did not go to Pensacola. If I had a hard time at Maranatha there is no way I would make it at PCC. I went to Clearwater Christian College. Not nearly as liberal as LU but not as strict as the big 3 - let just say a happy medium.

The reason I could not go back to MBBC was something about a foot through my dorm ceiling and a few too many demerits. I have no idea where they would get such far out ideas from. I was the next Mother Teresa for crying out loud!

Wen Wen said...

Okay I am dying laughing!! First of all, no the Cathedrals do not exist anymore, most of them are DEAD!! And Kris you have forgotten you showed me your secret Ozzy Osbourne paraphenalia.

Kris I have to agree with you I have always heard "a thing" about redheads. I really think we should just leave it at that. The relationship between the 3 of us was so pure way back when and I think we need to keep it there.

And no Molly you have not changed a bit!! A little more sophisticated maybe. The glasses really do it for you!! And Kris you have aged so well. I could totally mistake you for Cindy in a crowd!!

Molly you have to tell us the story about the foot through the ceiling and what all you got demerits for. I am dying to know!!!

Kristi Smalley said...

OK, is time for a new post....I mean, we ALL KNOW it was your 39th birthday....we got it MOVE ON!!!! J/K