Friday, May 16, 2008

OK are you happy now?

I know I have been quite lazy with the whole blogging thing. I have been extremely busy. Today was my last day teaching!!! Yeah! I have 3 weeks solid with cakes to do and deliver! Praise the Lord! Kids only have one more week of school - oh my! Mike has only one more month of employment - YIKES!

That is where my mind has been lately. We are just praying for the Lord to lead us. We were told that he would know about the Youth Pastor' job by the end of the month - that a few more applicants applied. So we are waiting on the Lord - trying to be patient (not easy for me) and praying a lot. It has been great to see how the kids are praying for this. I want it so bad because it would be such a wonderful thing for our family and I know we would be able to be a positive influence on the Youth in the church but I really want it for the kids to see how the Lord answers prayer - their prayers - not just mom and dad's.

We are also trying to prepare ourselves if the answer is a no. Mike has started sending out his resumes to different churches. We got a response from a church in Arkansas- where I would be thrilled if Mike has a job - I'm not really sure if I want to move again. BUT I have said that I'll go where ever the Lord sends us. Now, lets just say if there was a particular church in lets say Rockwall TX that needs someone - I'm sure my are could be twisted to move again.......

So needless to say other than being busy I have a lot on my mind and I promise I'll get better at blogging more regularly.

Sorry no pictures with this one.


Kristi Smalley said...

So sorry to be a thorn in your flesh. Ha! It was SOOOO good talking to you last night. Believe it or not, you sound so mature. Now you don't just worry your purty little head over this blog. All of us blog vultures know that sometimes there are more pressing things going on so we forgive you.

I will definitely keep you guys in my prayers regarding the position. I am also bad at the waiting part. Keep us updated on everything.

Molly said...

I so surprised you said that I sound mature! I don't think those words have come out of any body's mouth before in reference to me. Thanks!

I was just being a smart alick about the blog. I'll get better - school is out!!!!

I loved talking to you the other night. My kids said afterwards " Mom you did not stop talking for almost 2 hours!" I'm gald we were able to catch up. Now let's keep it that way PLEASE!!!!!!

Wen Wen said...

Umm, excuse me there is a thing called 3-way calls. Umm, I am feeling a little anger here, Krister send me some counseling. I am feeling anger, jealousy, left out in the cold because I am not a part of the Kris/Mol reunion, etc. I shall recover really, don't mind me (tear rolling down the cheek and snot hanging almost to the lip)---------

Wen Wen said...

Okay, on a serious note, Mol I will say a prayer for you too. The waiting game is so hard. Believe me I know! Waiting to sell our house was pure torture!!! It will all work out though!---------I love you!!

Molly said...

Thanks Wen. I don't have 3 way calling or I would have done that. You can blame that all on Kristi. :) The waiting game is tourture! But I keep having to tell myself that I won't be given more than I can handle. - right Lord?

Kristi Smalley said...

Oh Wendy...don't go and be all Dr. Phil on Molly and act all spiritual.....(Molly, Wendy is a Heathen, I tell you, a Heathen!!!) Anyway, Wen, I was going to three-way call but it was 10:00 p.m. which was 9:00 p.m. Molly's time but would have been 11:00 p.m. your time. I figured you had taken your drugs and already gone nighty-night.