Saturday, April 26, 2008

Well, I'm finally doing it...........

I started blogging for my friends and getting rid of my spare tire all in the same day. What was I thinking? I had my husband Mike put air in my bike tires today. Why? you may ask. Well, I was thinking that today was a good day to get going. I read on my friend Kristi's blog that she was getting rid of her muffin top - so I thought hey that is a pretty good idea. I told Mike, who is in incredible shape for a 38 year old man - he has a 6 pack - come on that's just not right! Anyway, as I was saying, I told him this morning that I was going to start riding my bike and I was going to start out at an hour today. As I was leaving the house today to go for my ride, he says - don't go too far because I'm not coming to get you. Not to worry I told him. I felt like I was in pretty good shape for a 38 year old mother of 4 who has not exercised in lets just say a looooong time. I started on the first hill on the bike trail and thought I was going to die! Mike always tells me he turns his music up louder to drowned out the pain during his lifting so I started on my volume with my ipod. Needless to say I'm deaf now, my legs hurt, I think I got sunburned, and I only made it 25 minutes out of my hour. OK. I think this is going to take a little more time than I thought to get back in shape. - Thanks Kristi for the great idea! I'm going to go collapse on my bed now.


Wen Wen said...

okay the point is you got on your bike and you rode it!!! what were you thinking making a goal of an hour!! you are still as crazy as ever!!!

Wen Wen said...

Oh and beautiful family!! Where is the red hair anyway??? Did none of your kids get any or did you outgrow the red hair?? Your little one Ana reminds me so much of my little Kaitlyn----CRAZY!! She makes us laugh so much. I am so proud of you doing your first post!! With pics and everything!! You go girl!!!

Molly said...

Wen, - I don't know what I was thinking - I think it is pretty clear that I was not thinking at all. ;)

Nope the red hair skipped a generation but my grandkids should have it. My grandpa had it, my dad did not, and I did get it. So I'll have to wait to be a grandma.

Kristi Smalley said...

Molly, I am playing catch-up from last week. WAY TO GO!!! You did your first post. I hope to call you this week if I can have a moment to myself without interuptions. Loved the post and getting to "meet" your family. You have some adorable kids. I bet they keep you so busy. You and your husband seem crazy about each other and that is so neat. Keep these posts coming, sister...keep 'em coming. I was also wondering about the red hair. You sure did get one cotton-top didn't you. So cute.

Molly, I think you should do a post on the trauma you experienced as a child when you had to leave me and Wendy and how your life has never been the same since. (No eye rolling, please) We will really enjoy that. Also, you need to do one on your parents and brothers to update us on everybody. I loved your pool. We had some fun pool parties didn't we?

Wendy, did you ever find out about Tona's post? I want to blog with her as well.

Molly said...

yes, those kids keep me busy - and after all these years I'm crazy in love with my husband. He keeps me sane.

When you get on Tona's blog, let me know and send here this way too.