Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My extended family update.

Alright I'll start with my parents. My Sr. year in high school they decide to become missionaries in Mexico. After I graduated they went on debutation for a year, then did language school. They started a children's home for abused and abanonded children in Reynosa, Mexico. We have a new sibling in our family and her name is Lucy. She came to the home when she was about 2 months old and my parents have had her ever since and they are almost completed with the adoption. Lucy and my baby Anna are 3 weeks apart. How fun is that?

My oldest brother Bill lives in Sacramento, CA. He has 4 girls ages 17-5. He is in the Army National Guard and is being deployed to Iraq in July for 1 year.

Spencer lives and works in Mexico with his wife Patti who is a mexican national. They have 2 adopted children and then the baby who just turned 1 is their biological child.

Ray lives in New York City with his wife Nicole. He is top dog for the company he works for but I'm not sure what exactly he does. What ever it is - he is good at it. He travels world wide for them. They don't have any kids yet.

That is about it for them......I'll do a new post on how heartbroken I was when I moved from Texas.


Wen Wen said...

okay I don't remember Bill. I remember Spencer and Ray but not Bill. How much older is he than you??? I think that is amazing how your parents took Lucy in. Talking about starting all over!! Roy's brother James and his wife adopted a child from the Liberty Godparent home last year.

Molly said...

Bill is almost 2 years older than I am. He would have graduated in 85.