Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting to know you.............

OK, my family consits of my wonderful husband Mike. He was my high school sweetheart. I just can't even tell you how much I love this man. Starting from left to right is Kelly, she is 10. Joshua is next to her and he is 11. Mike is in the middle then our baby Anna who is 7 then Austin is 13.

Austin is my gamer. We are regulars at Game Stop. He beats every game he gets in about 2 days. It get's quite irritating for me since I can't even last 5 minutes on anything without getting killed.

Josh is my sports nut. He acts just like his father except he looks like my brother.

Kelly is a people pleaser. She want's every one to be happy.

Anna is my wild thang. She is a walking disater area. You can always tell where she has been.

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