Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My biggest heartbreak

I cannot tell you how sad I was when my dad told us we were leaving Garland. It was horrible!!!! I was leaving my best friends!!!But we had one great going away party for me. Pictures will soon be attached ..... I don't know how many houses we TP'd that night. It was awesome!!!

Wendy was saying that is was hard to believe that I lived there only 3 years because it seemed like forever. I think that was because Kristi and I wrote all the time. She sent me pictures of you guys through out the years, I got to come back 2 or 3 times to visit. Again, I have more pictures to post of those visits....

That pool we had was awesome! I remember my parents always saying that they bought the pool and they threw in the house - because it was not the greatest. I was telling my teacher's aide about one of the pool parties I had for my b-day and I fell asleep on my stomach and I burned sooooo bad that I had blister on my back and the backs of my knees that I would hardly walk and could not sit down. It was horrible! Thanks for waking me up guys! If I get skin cancer on the back of my knees it's your fault!!!

One of my favorite memories is the trip to Dillards! We were so loud and obnoxious ( I know that is hard to believe but we were). We started spraying perfume on each other, then the lotion came out then we got the powder stuff and we were running around the make up counters full or all the above mentioned trying to get each other then all of a sudden I feel the call of nature. I stopped running because I had to go sooooo badly and someone came and hit me in the face with a big ole powder puff and down I went to the floor. When I got up again there was a security guard asking us to leave and a big old wet spot on the floor. We had to still walk around the mall that way until one of our parents came - oh how much fun was that? :)

My extended family update.

Alright I'll start with my parents. My Sr. year in high school they decide to become missionaries in Mexico. After I graduated they went on debutation for a year, then did language school. They started a children's home for abused and abanonded children in Reynosa, Mexico. We have a new sibling in our family and her name is Lucy. She came to the home when she was about 2 months old and my parents have had her ever since and they are almost completed with the adoption. Lucy and my baby Anna are 3 weeks apart. How fun is that?

My oldest brother Bill lives in Sacramento, CA. He has 4 girls ages 17-5. He is in the Army National Guard and is being deployed to Iraq in July for 1 year.

Spencer lives and works in Mexico with his wife Patti who is a mexican national. They have 2 adopted children and then the baby who just turned 1 is their biological child.

Ray lives in New York City with his wife Nicole. He is top dog for the company he works for but I'm not sure what exactly he does. What ever it is - he is good at it. He travels world wide for them. They don't have any kids yet.

That is about it for them......I'll do a new post on how heartbroken I was when I moved from Texas.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting to know you.............

OK, my family consits of my wonderful husband Mike. He was my high school sweetheart. I just can't even tell you how much I love this man. Starting from left to right is Kelly, she is 10. Joshua is next to her and he is 11. Mike is in the middle then our baby Anna who is 7 then Austin is 13.

Austin is my gamer. We are regulars at Game Stop. He beats every game he gets in about 2 days. It get's quite irritating for me since I can't even last 5 minutes on anything without getting killed.

Josh is my sports nut. He acts just like his father except he looks like my brother.

Kelly is a people pleaser. She want's every one to be happy.

Anna is my wild thang. She is a walking disater area. You can always tell where she has been.

Well, I'm finally doing it...........

I started blogging for my friends and getting rid of my spare tire all in the same day. What was I thinking? I had my husband Mike put air in my bike tires today. Why? you may ask. Well, I was thinking that today was a good day to get going. I read on my friend Kristi's blog that she was getting rid of her muffin top - so I thought hey that is a pretty good idea. I told Mike, who is in incredible shape for a 38 year old man - he has a 6 pack - come on that's just not right! Anyway, as I was saying, I told him this morning that I was going to start riding my bike and I was going to start out at an hour today. As I was leaving the house today to go for my ride, he says - don't go too far because I'm not coming to get you. Not to worry I told him. I felt like I was in pretty good shape for a 38 year old mother of 4 who has not exercised in lets just say a looooong time. I started on the first hill on the bike trail and thought I was going to die! Mike always tells me he turns his music up louder to drowned out the pain during his lifting so I started on my volume with my ipod. Needless to say I'm deaf now, my legs hurt, I think I got sunburned, and I only made it 25 minutes out of my hour. OK. I think this is going to take a little more time than I thought to get back in shape. - Thanks Kristi for the great idea! I'm going to go collapse on my bed now.